In the enchanting Gulf of Baratti, a renowned tourist destination along the Tuscan coast, where the crystal-clear sea meets rich history and the beauty of the surrounding nature, stands a majestic villa that offers a haven of privacy and breathtaking panoramic views of the charming landscape. Nestled in the lush park of Populonia, home to ancient Etruscan artifacts and pristine nature, this elegant luxury residence was designed by the famous architect Alberto Rosselli, known for his participation in the construction of the iconic “Pirellone” in Milan. The villa is just a short walk from the beach, providing privileged access to the sea, and boasts a range of exclusive amenities, including a swimming pool, vineyard, forest, horse stables, vegetable garden, and wine cellar. The property spans four hectares of manicured parkland, with two vineyards covering an area of about eight hectares, producing both white and red grapes. These vineyards allow for an average annual production of 25 quintals of high-quality wine, a distinctive feature for wine enthusiasts. The surrounding forest is characterized by the presence of majestic oaks, holm oaks, and chestnut trees, providing an ideal habitat for the growth of porcini mushrooms and chestnuts. Completing this exclusive property are four spacious stables, ideal for animal lovers and equestrian activities, a wine cellar for on-site wine storage, and an additional fenced land of approximately 8 hectares, adding further value and potential to this extraordinary real estate offering.
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